Unlock exclusive savings and discounts with our WellnesShip program, a simple solution for those dedicated to wellness. Benefit from special pricing on our scientifically proven wellness products and the convenience of managing your orders from anywhere, at any time. Use your customer portal to easily adjust delivery dates or view or change your order, streamlining your path to wellness.

Unlock exclusive savings and discounts with our WellnesShip program, a simple solution for those dedicated to wellness. Benefit from special pricing on our scientifically proven wellness products and the convenience of managing your orders from anywhere, at any time. Use your customer portal to easily adjust delivery dates or view or change your order, streamlining your path to wellness.

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Access to Special Promotions: Be the first to know about special promotions and additional discounts, reserved exclusively for VIDAFY WellnesShip members.

Open the door to even more perks by joining us as a VIDAFY Entrepreneur! You can earn “free” product in addition to expanded opportunities for additional income and unforgettable travel.

10% Savings on Individual Products:
Enjoy 10% off VIDAFY wellness products, ensuring you get more value with every purchase.

Additional Discounts and Free Shipping:
Unlock exclusive discounts like free shipping on Savings & Entrepreneur Packs for even more savings.

Access to Special Promotions:
Be the first to know about special promotions and additional discounts, reserved exclusively for VIDAFY WellnesShip members.

Open the door to even more perks by joining us as a VIDAFY Entrepreneur! You can earn free products in addition to expanded opportunities for additional income and unforgettable travel.